First Name: |
Last Name: |
Email: |
Cellphone: |
Title: |
IBEW/Company: |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Additional Registrations: (Please Note: Each conference registration is $200.00 per person) |
Registrant #2 - First Name: |
Registrant #2 - Last Name: |
Registrant #2 - Email: |
Registrant #2 - Cellphone: |
Registrant #2 - Title: |
Registrant #3 - First Name: |
Registrant #3 - Last Name: |
Registrant #3 - Email: |
Registrant #3 - Cellphone: |
Registrant #3 - Title: |
Registrant #4 - First Name: |
Registrant #4 - Last Name: |
Registrant #4 - Email: |
Registrant #4 - Cellphone: |
Registrant #4 - Title: |
Registrant #5 - First Name: |
Registrant #5 - Last Name: |
Registrant #5 - Email: |
Registrant #5 - Cellphone: |
Registrant #5 - Title: |
Registrant #6 - First Name: |
Registrant #6 - Last Name: |
Registrant #6 - Email: |
Registrant #6 - Cellphone: |
Registrant #6 - Title: |
Golf Tournament: |
Monday, April 14, 2025 - Golf Tournament
Total Number of Golfers: |
Names of Golfers: |
Monday, April 14, 2025, Welcome Reception: (Complimentary with conference registration) |
Total Number of Attendees Including Guests: |
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, Management Breakfast - Name(s) of Conference Attendees: (Complimentary with conference registration) |
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, Labor Breakfast - Name(s) of Conference Attendees: (Complimentary with conference registration) |
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, Joint Luncheon - Name(s) of Conference Attendees: (Complimentary with conference registration) |
I, the undersigned, as a condition of my participation in the events described above, hereby release and waive Western LAMPAC, its Steering Committee, Officers, Agents, Contractors, and Sponsors, from any damages, liability, or costs incurred by me or my family arising out of the 2025 Spring Conference Events being hosted in San Diego, CA., and attendance at the Welcome Reception hosted in San Diego, CA., including but not limited to, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, or the acts of other individuals participating in the 2025 Spring Conference Golf Tournament; and further agree to hold harmless said co-sponsors for any damages, injuries, or liabilities to which I have contributed, arising out of said activities. By submitting this form, this is considered your authorization. |